Victoria Statutory Requirements

Who is the Regulator?

In Victoria, the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) under Earth Resources regulates the states approximate 900 quarries.

Quarry Manager Compliance

While Victorian legislation does not require specific competencies or qualifications for Quarry Managers, the legislation does require that each tenement holder is responsible for appointing a manager with sufficient qualifications and experience, at their discretion.

As a guide, we recommend the following formal qualifications to ensure competency:

  • A Certificate IV in Surface Extraction Operations for lower risk operations
  • A Diploma in Surface Extraction Operations for higher risk operations
  • Plus, a planned program of regular and ongoing continuing professional development aligned to the categories of the IQA competency framework.

Equally the Tenement holder has the responsibility to ensure the person appointed remains competent.  Therefore, ensuring there is evidence that the person has current skills and knowledge to undertake the role at the site they are managing is important.

IQA Education and Membership

The IQA provides training to ensure a quarry manager maintains the required competencies, by:

  • Providing a competency framework which identifies five essential competency areas relevant to all levels of the quarrying industry to align your education and training to.
  • Providing training to ensure a quarry manager maintains competencies. 
  • Delivering industry specific education and training courses covering a range of topics relevant to the industry.
  • Maintaining a rolling schedule of all courses. In addition, the IQA can deliver corporate programs of any course specific to a site or organisation.
  • Providing guidance on planning your training to maintain competence.
  • Providing access to accredited training required for quarry manager certification via Registered Training Organisation (RTO) partnerships.
  • Offering an education calendar which is regularly updated with new and/or additional courses. 

Accredited Training

The IQA has partnerships with RTOs who offer the mandatory units of competency (accredited training) and can assist you in enrolling in the required units.  Accredited training includes:

Through these partnerships the IQA is supporting access to full qualifications or units of competency. The IQA can provide advice on the requirements in each state regarding accredited training for quarry manager competencies. 

Demonstrating Competence

As stated, a Tenemant holder has the responsibility to ensure the person appointed remains competent, undertaking appropriate training and maintaining adequate records of training and experience is recommended.  While there is no definitive way records are to be kept, the following is a good guide:

  • the appointment of each quarry manager
  • individual record of the quarry manager (kept for the duration of the person's appointment as quarry manager, and for at least two (2) years after the person ceases to be a quarry manager at the site) in relation to:
    • formal qualifications
    • relevant training and professional development
    • past experience
    • knowledge and skills
    • knowledge of the requirements of the Act and regulations 


Earth Resources monitors and enforces compliance with the state’s mineral and energy resources legislation at these sites by maintaining a priority focus on preventing and responding to the key risks posed by minerals, extractives and petroleum sites to protect public safety, land, infrastructure and the environment, including (but not limited to):

  • Stability – mines and quarries batters, integrity of tailings storage facilities and land erosion
  • Rehabilitation – progressive and final rehabilitation of mines, quarries, petroleum and exploration sites
  • Community impacts – including dust, noise, vibrations and public safety of sites

Earth Resources Regulation will undertake compliance activities including targeted inspections and audits focusing on addressing these key risks.

Stay up to date through membership, attending Branch events, subscribe to the Victoria monthly newsletter, and regularly check the IQA website for available courses.

Please contact the IQA on 02 9484 0577 or [email protected] for more information on courses to remain competent in Victoria.