Accredited Training

The IQA can assist with a range of industry specific accredited training to help you gain the qualifications you need.

The IQA has referral partnerships in place with Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) delivering the following accredited courses.


State and Territory Required Competencies


In addition to the courses for surface operations, the IQA has partnerships with RTOs offering:

  • BSB41419 - Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety
  • RII30420 - Certificate III in Resource Processing
  • RII40520 - Certificate IV in Resource Processing

Through these partnerships the IQA is supporting access to full qualifications or Units of Competency (UoC). The IQA can provide guidance on the requirements in each state regarding accredited training for quarry related competencies.

To discuss your accredited training needs, please contact the IQA on 02 9484 0577 or email: [email protected]

**Note: the IQA is not an RTO.


Diploma of Surface Operations Management

Aimed at managers responsible for operations of an open cut coal, above ground metalliferous mine or quarry. To achieve the qualification, you must complete a total of thirteen (13) units of competency, which is made up of:

 * 2 core units
* 11 elective units

Certificate IV in Surface Extraction Operations

Aimed at upskilling employees wanting to move into qualified management roles that require the Cert IV qualification. To achieve this qualification, you must complete a total of thirteen (13) units, which is made up of:

 * 4 core units
* 9 elective units

Certificate III in Surface Extraction Operations

Aimed at operators working in the quarrying, mining, and resource sectors. The course covers a broad range of skills such as; risk assessment, workplace health and safety, machine competencies, environmental issues and machine maintenance. To achieve the qualification, you must complete a total of thirteen (13) units which is made up of:

 * 3 core units
* 10 elective units

Certificate IV in Drilling Operations

Aimed at upskilling employees wanting to work as senior drilling or drilling supervisors. To achieve this qualification, you must complete a total of eleven (11) units, which is made up of:

 * 6 core units
* 5 elective units