Quarry Manager

The role of the Quarry Manager is to direct and oversee quarry operations. This includes safety and risk management, production, maintenance, sales, and personnel. The scope of the Quarry Manager’s role can vary greatly, depending on the size and nature of the organisation. 

Every state/territory has legislation which requires the appointment of a Quarry Manager. While the specific requirements vary in each state/territory, in all instances the Quarry Manager must be competent, with the appropriate range and level of skills and knowledge to manage operations. 

Some states and territories have minimum qualification requirements for Quarry Managers. This may include Certificate IV Surface Extraction Operations or Diploma of Surface Operations Management. The IQA has referral partnerships with Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) in place to support access to these courses. 

All IQA courses are mapped to the maintenance of competency schemes in each state/territory.

Quarry Managers need to develop and maintain competency in five key areas:

Safety is critical to business operations - ensuring that all work on a site can be carried out safely, without causing harm to people, equipment or the environment. While production targets and timeframes require significant time and attention from a Quarry Manager, safety is the highest priority.

Quarry Managers must be able to establish and implement systems and procedures for safe operations. This includes the ability to identify and assess risks and hazards and apply systems for risk control. In particular, principal or high risk hazards must be addressed, such as ground or strata failure, inundation and airborne contaminants.  

Quarry Managers must have an in-depth understanding of the legislative and regulatory requirements for their relevant state/territory, and ensure all operations are compliant. In addition, they must ensure their staff have the required competencies and skills to undertake the tasks of their role.

A Quarry Manager must also ensure that they have an appropriately qualified and/or competent person to take on the role should they go on leave or fall ill.  Depending on the state/territory, if a quarry manager is absent from their role for more than 14 days and does not have a suitably qualified/competent person undertaking the role, the quarry can be shut down.

This also raises the need for succession planning in a quarry.  Continuing to ensure your staff are suitably qualified and undertaking regular professional development, means the quarry can be looked after in the future.


Topics IQA Education Courses
  • Safety and Risk Management Systems (Establish/Audit)

Hazard Identification
Contractor Management
Introduction to Safety Management Systems
Effective Risk Management
Leading HSE for Senior Managers
Strategy in HSE for Senior Leaders
Critical Control Management

  • Specific Hazards and Controls (Principal Hazard Management Plans)
Electrical Awareness
Quarry Roads and Onsite Vehicle Safety
Plant and Equipment
Slope Stability
Learning from Disasters
Mental Health
Drug and Alcohol
  • Legislation


Quarries can’t operate without people. Quarry Managers must have sufficient leadership and communication skills to manage the workforce. This includes the ability to lead and mentor staff and work teams, consult with stakeholders at all levels of the organisation, and effectively manage change. 


Topics IQA Education Courses
  • Management (Organisational)
  • Change Management
Leading HSE for Senior Managers
  • Leadership
  • Communication
Supervising for Safety
  • Training Systems
Under development
  • Community Engagement
Under development
  • Mental Health
Mental Health Awareness and Wellbeing
Mental Health and Wellbeing for Managers
Bullying & Harassment


Quarries can be hazardous places and incidents do happen. Under legislation, employers are required to have sufficient plans in place to respond to emergencies which may occur on site.

The Quarry Manager is responsible to plan for emergencies, based on site risk assessment, and ensure sufficient expertise and equipment is in place to respond quickly and effectively. Quarry Managers must also understand how to conduct effective investigations of incidents that do occur, and apply learnings and improvements. 

Topics IQA Products and Courses
  • Emergency Management Planning

Emergency Management
RIIERR40E Apply and monitor emergency preparedness and response systems in surface operations
RIIERR503D Implement emergency preparedness and response systems
RIIERR601E Establish and maintain mine emergency preparedness and response systems

  • Incident Investigation
Incident Investigation
Incident Investigations - Psychological cases


Quarry operations can vary greatly in size and nature. Quarry Managers must be able to plan and oversee operational systems which achieve organisational goals, while maintaining health, safety, and environmental outcomes. This includes systems and processes for production, maintenance, and quality assurance. 

Quarry Managers must also understand their environmental obligations and see that operations are carried out in a sustainable and responsible way. 

Topics IQA Products and Courses
  • Operational Planning
Quarry Roads and Onsite Vehicle Safety
Plant and Equipment
  • Environmental Planning
  • Sustainability
Under development
  • Quality Systems
Quarry Products Technical Training
  • Maintenance Systems
Plant and Equipment: Maintenance


For any manager, self-awareness is essential for effective leadership. This includes understanding personal strengths and weaknesses, communication and leadership styles, attitudes, biases and perspectives, and their impact on interactions with others. 

Topics IQA Education Courses
  • Diversity and Inclusion
Annual diversity and inclusion day
WIQ events
YMN events
  • Interpersonal Communication
Under development


Courses for Quarry Managers

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Electrical Awareness Online CourseThe Electrical Awareness course is an online, self...  Find Out More
Effective Risk Management Online CourseThe course explains fundamental concepts of managi...  Find Out More
Introduction to Safety Management Systems Online CourseThe Introduction to Safety Management Systems cour...  Find Out More
Incident Investigation Online CourseThe Incident Investigation course is delivered onl...  Find Out More
NSW Southern Region | Learning from Disasters WorkshopNSW Resources Regulator required course.  Learning...Marulan Find Out More