Quarry Operator

Plant and equipment operators are the core of the quarry workforce. Their contribution is essential to the extractive process.  Operators should develop skills and knowledge in five key areas:
Operators have a duty of care to follow organisation procedures and safe work practices, and carry out their work in a manner which does not cause harm to themselves or others. They must have a fundamental understanding of quarry operations, and the risks and hazards associated with their work tasks.

Topics IQA Edu Products (courses)
  • Safe Work Procedures
Hazard Identification
Introduction to Safety Management Systems
  • Specific Hazards and Controls
Electrical Awareness
Quarry Roads and Onsite Vehicle Safety
Plant and Equipment
Slope Stability for Operator
Mental Health


To ensure a safe work environment, operators must be under appropriate supervision and may not be responsible for supervising others. However, every worker must contribute to a work team and take responsibility for their own actions 
Operators who aspire to progress into supervisory roles must demonstrate leadership and role-model behaviour in line with organisational culture and expectations.

Topics IQA Edu Products (courses)
  • Teamwork
Supervising for Safety
  • Communication
Supervising for Safety


All operators must be trained in site emergency response procedures. They must understand their own responsibilities for keeping safe in an emergency, and be suitably trained for any specific roles they are allocated to undertake.

Topics IQA Edu Products (courses)
  • Emergency Response
Under development
  • Specific skills: First aid, Firefighting, LVR, Confined space rescue
Via the IQA's RTO partners.  Contact us today for more information


Operators must be trained and competent to operate designated plant and equipment in a safe and sustainable manner.

Operators must have a foundational understanding of operators across the entire work site, and the interaction between their own role and others on the site. They must be aware of their own responsibilities, and the limits of their role.

Topics IQA Edu Products (courses)
  • Machine operator competencies
RII units via the IQA's RTO partners.  Contact us today for more information.
  • Environmental Awareness and Sustainability
Under development


Operators must function effectively within their work team. They must understand their personal attitudes, biases and perspectives, and how they impact on interactions with others. They must also demonstrate self-leadership and resilience to navigate and adapt to change.

Topics IQA Edu Products (courses)
  • Diversity and Inclusion
See branch events for D&I activity
  • Interpersonal Communication
Supervising for Safety
  • Resilience
Mental Health
Supervising for Safety


Courses for Operators

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Electrical Awareness Online CourseThe Electrical Awareness course is an online, self...  Find Out More
Effective Risk Management Online CourseThe course explains fundamental concepts of managi...  Find Out More
Introduction to Safety Management Systems Online CourseThe Introduction to Safety Management Systems cour...  Find Out More
Incident Investigation Online CourseThe Incident Investigation course is delivered onl...  Find Out More
Plant & Equipment Safety: Maintenance | WebinarThis webinar examines the minimum standards for ma...Online Find Out More