Quarry Supervisor

The Quarry Supervisor represents management at the worker level. They are critical to the success of the organisation, and to the ongoing safety of operations.

The Supervisor is responsible to directly oversee day to day operations and work activities. The level of supervision required is determined by the skills and experience of employees, and the nature of operations.

The Brady Review (2019) highlighted absent or inadequate supervision as a contributing factor in 78% of serious accidents examined (where supervision was required)[1]. A review of mining fatalities in Western Australia by the Department of Mines and Petroleum (2014) stated that the ‘training of supervisors is regarded as a key issue in accident prevention’[2].

While the role of Quarry Supervisor may not be legislated or regulated in all states/territories, all quarry operators have a duty of care to provide appropriate supervision to all workers on site, including contractors. Supervisors must be competent in the tasks they are supervising, with enough experience to provide effective supervision. This includes a detailed understanding of the hazards and risks present on site, and the control measures in place.

Quarry Supervisors should develop competency in five key areas:

One critical function of a supervisor is to ensure that risk is at an acceptable level by identifying hazards, assessing associated risks, and applying the hierarchy of controls to identified risks. They must also monitor the effectiveness of controls and make adjustments as needed.

Supervisors must understand the hazards and risks associated with quarry operations and ensure the consistent implementation of site safety procedures and processes.

Topics IQA Products and Courses
  • Safety and Risk Management Systems (Implement)
Hazard Identification
Contractor Management
Intro to Safety Management Systems
Effective Risk Management
  • Specific Hazards and Controls (Principal Hazard Management Plans)
Electrical Awareness
Quarry Roads and Onsite Vehicle Safety
Plant and Equipment
Slope Stability
Respirable Crystalline Silica
Learning from Disasters
Mental Health
Drug and Alcohol


Supervisors are the members of the management team who are closest to the workforce.  They must be able to lead and mentor others and communicate effectively both upstream and downstream.

Supervisors must also ensure the training of employees, confirming that they are competent to carry out work activities.

Topics IQA Products and Courses
  • Supervision
  • Leadership
Supervising for Safety
  • Communication
  • Conflict Resolution
Supervising for Safety
  • Training Systems (Implementing)
  • Verification of Competence


Quarries can be hazardous places; emergencies are inevitable. Supervisors must be able to implement site emergency management procedures quickly and effectively, and ensure workers are trained and ready for emergency response. They must also be able to lead and carry out incident investigations, so that incidents can be learned from and prevented from recurring.

Topics IQA Products and Courses
  • Emergency Management and Response
Emergency Management
  • Incident Investigation
Incident Investigation


Quarry operations can vary greatly in size and nature. Supervisors must understand all aspects of the operational area/s they are responsible for and ensure that work is carried out safely and efficiently, and in line with organisational goals and targets.

Supervisors must also be aware of the environmental impact of operations and implement sustainable practises.

Topics IQA Products and Courses
  • Supervising Operations
Quarry Roads and Onsite Vehicle Safety
Plant and Equipment
  • Environmental Awareness
  • Sustainability
Under development
  • Quality Systems
Quarry Products Technical Training
  • Maintenance
Plant and Equipment


Supervisors establish and lead the culture of their work team. They must understand their personal attitudes, biases, and perspectives, and how they impact on interactions with others. They must demonstrate flexibility and resilience to navigate and adapt to change.

Topics IQA Products and Courses
  • Diversity and Inclusion
See local Branch events
  • Interpersonal Communication
Under development
  • Resilience
Mental Health Awareness
Supervising for Safety


Courses for Quarry Supervisors

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Electrical Awareness Online CourseThe Electrical Awareness course is an online, self...  Find Out More
Effective Risk Management Online CourseThe course explains fundamental concepts of managi...  Find Out More
Introduction to Safety Management Systems Online CourseThe Introduction to Safety Management Systems cour...  Find Out More
Incident Investigation Online CourseThe Incident Investigation course is delivered onl...  Find Out More
Plant & Equipment Safety: Maintenance | WebinarThis webinar examines the minimum standards for ma...Online Find Out More