Women in Quarrying

Diversity in any industry is important as it encourages creativity and innovation, broadens the talent pool and is shown to improve business outcomes. Women play a major role in the sector by fulfilling roles from HR, marketing, sales and finance to operators, engineers, geologists, environmental officers and more.

There is an underrepresentation of women in the "non-traditional" roles. The IQA is working to support and encourage women to join the industry, develop the career path of women and up skill or advance the career of women already in the sector.

The IQA Board recognised the need to further enhance women's involvement in, and contribution to, the extractive industry. In 2014, a group of dedicated women held the first WIQ lunch event in Queensland. This lunch event was attended by more than 24 people, majority women, and for many of the people attending, it was their first IQA event.

From this first lunch the IQA established WIQ Charter and the IQA Women in Quarrying Network was born. The WIQ Network Committee is chaired by the IQA WIQ National Coordinator and consists of four or more State WIQ Coordinators. Since 2014 the WIQ Network has grown in strength and in numbers. WIQ conferences have been held in Western Australia, New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia. 

WIQ focuses on encouraging women in the industry to participate in IQA educational and branch events. WIQ is helping many women take their first step in professional development.

  • Are you a woman working in the extractive or associated industries?
  • Do you work with women who would benefit from professional development?
  • Do you want to develop, learn and grow your career?
  • Do you want to network with other people in the industry?

If you answered yes to any of the above, the IQA and the WIQN will benefit you. For more information please email [email protected] 

Our Purpose:

To promote networking amongst women in the extractive industry and to encourage and create opportunities for personal and professional development. 

Our Goals:

#1 Acknowledge and celebrate women's contribution to the extractive industry

#2 Create a platform to further enhance women's involvement in and contribution to the extractive industry.

#3 Provide the opportunity for anyone in the industry to connect, network and share experiences.

Join our WIQ Groups on Social Media

 National Coordinator

Tegan Smith

 North Queensland Coordinator

Vacant Vacant

 Queensland Coordinator

Jenny Krasny

 New South Wales Coordinator

Rachelle Grozde

 Victoria Coordinator

Joanne Murray

 Tasmania Coordinator

No information available

 Western Australia Coordinator

Jordan Pedley

 South Australia Coordinator

Nikki Orrock