Western Australia Statutory Requirements

Who is the Regulator?

In Western Australia, The Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) issue certificates of competency for positions of responsibility at mining operations. DMIRS is responsible for regulating the mining industry in Western Australia and ensuring that all mining operations are conducted safety and responsibly.

Legislation Update 2022

In March 2022, the health and safety elements of the mines safety and inspection laws were replaced by the Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws in Western Australia.  Under the new regulations, it is mandatory for all mines to have a documented Mine Safety Management System (MSMS), which must be developed by April 2023 and implemented by April 2024.  Specifically, a MSMS which provides a comprehensive and integrated system for the management of all aspects of risks to health and safety in relation to the operation of the mine.

The basis of the MSMS must be an assessment of the risks associated with specific site operations.  For further information, DMIRS have developed a Code of Practice: Mine Safety Management System, which outlines the requirements of the MSMS in detail.  Click here to view. In addition, the IQA offers specific training on developing and implementing a MSMS in WA.

IQA Education and Membership

The IQA provides training to ensure a quarry manager has and maintains the required competencies to meet the certificate of competency requirements, by:

  • Providing a competency framework which identifies five essential competency areas relevant to all levels of the quarrying industry to align your education and training to.
  • Providing training to ensure a quarry manager maintains competencies. 
  • Delivering industry specific education and training courses covering a range of topics relevant to the industry.
  • Maintaining a rolling schedule of all courses. In addition, the IQA can deliver corporate programs of any course specific to a site or organisation.
  • Providing guidance on planning your training to maintain competence.
  • Providing access to accredited training required for quarry manager certification via Registered Training Organisation (RTO) partnerships.
  • Offering an education calendar which is regularly updated with new and/or additional courses. 

Quarry Manager Certificate

Under the Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994 and associated regulations, people wishing to be appointed as a quarry manager (or their alternates or deputies) must hold a relevant WHS Statutory Certificate (formerly Certificate of Competency) in Western Australia.

  • For a quarry employing 25 or more people where explosives are used, the Quarry Manager must hold a First Class Mine Manager or an Unrestricted Quarry Managers Certificate.
  • Where no explosives are used, a Restricted Quarry Manager Certificate is acceptable.
  • For a quarry employing fewer than 25, the Quarry Manager must hold a First Class Mine Manager, an unrestricted Quarry Manager or a Restricted Quarry Manager Certificate.
  • Where no explosives are used, the Restricted Quarry Manager Certificate may be annotated by DIMIRS as “Only for non-explosive quarries”. 

A person is eligible for a quarry manager’s certificate if the person meets the following: 



Qualification and Professional Development

Quarry Manager (Unrestricted) / First Class Mine Manager

Must be 24 years of age or older, and have:

Evidence of two (2) years' experience on a mine site where quarry operations are carried out, which must include:

Minimum three (3) months carrying out drilling and use of explosives and mine transport and services in relation to quarry operations, and

Minimum six (6) months working in managing ground stability, mine planning or mine emergency management in relation to quarry operations

Is of good character based on the National Police Certificate.


Degree in Engineering, Mining or Science.

Completion of approved WHS risk management units for statutory positions:

RIIRIS501E - Implement and maintain management systems to control risk OR BSBWHS513 Lead WHS Risk Management, and

BSBWHS411 – Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs, and

RIIRIS402E – Carry out the risk management process OR BSBWHS414 – Contribute to WHS risk management

Current First Aid Certificate:

HTLAID011Provide First Aid (minimum requirement for statutory certification)

Quarry Manager (Restricted)

(with or without explosives)


Must be 21 years of age or older, and:

Have a minimum of two (2) years' experience at a mine site where quarry operations are carried out, and:

Has experience carrying out each relevant activity in relation to quarry operations for at least three (3) months, and

Working for at least six (6) months in managing ground stability, mine planning or mine emergency management in relation to quarry operations

Is of good character based on the National Police Certificate.



Quarrying Exam
Mining Law Exam

Subscribe to WorkSafe Mines Safety News Alerts to keep up to date on the exam schedule.

Completion of approved WHS risk management units for statutory positions:

RIIRIS402E – Carry out the risk management process OR BSBWHS414 – Contribute to WHS risk management, and

BSBWHS411 – Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs.

Current First Aid Certificate:

HTLAID011Provide First Aid (minimum requirement for statutory certification)

Statutory Quarry Supervisor

A person is eligible to be appointed as a statutory supervisor for a quarry if the person:

Works for at least two (2) years as a supervisor, or worker in a similar operation or industry that the mine is engaged in


Mining Law Exam for statutory supervisors

Completion of approved WHS risk management units for statutory supervisors:

RIIRIS402E – Carry out the risk management process OR BSBWHS414 – Contribute to WHS risk management

BSBWHS411 – Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures, and programs.


For more information, click here

Accredited Training

The IQA has partnerships with RTOs who offer the mandatory units of competency (accredited training) and can assist you in enrolling in the required units.  Accredited training includes:

Through these partnerships the IQA is supporting access to full qualifications or units of competency. The IQA can provide advice on the requirements in each state regarding accredited training for quarry manager competencies.

Stay up to date through membership, attending Branch events, subscribe to the Western Australia newsletter, and regularly check the IQA website for available courses.

Please contact the IQA on 02 9484 0577 or [email protected] for more information on courses to meet the mandatory competency requirements in Western Australia.